
Facing Aging thumbnail
Facing Aging, Illness, & Death : The Central Teaching of the Buddha. (published July 7, 2024) A transcript of a retreat sponsored by Le Refuge in April, 2023.

Meditations12 thumbnail
Meditations 12. (published May 28, 2024) Transcribed Dhamma talks on breath meditation and various aspects of the Buddhist Path given by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu during the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery primarily from 2022-2023.

Thumbnail of the book The Heart a Flowing Stream
The Heart a Flowing Stream, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. (published April 1, 2024) The ninth collection of essays: The Heart a Flowing Stream, Everywhere & Always, At War with the Dhamma, Free the Dhamma, Mindfulness to the Fore, Thinking about Jhāna, Fun & Games, Perception, Just Right as It Is, and Neither Here nor There.